Plastic Surgery

What you should know before going for Liposuction Surgery

What is Liposuction Surgery?  Liposuction also referred to as lipoplasty, Lipectomy or simply Liposculpture suction is a medical cosmetic surgery that sucks and breaks up fat from the human body. Liposuction can also be described as a cosmetic procedure performed in order to remove unwanted body fat. Liposuction permanently removes body [...]


Endoscopic Facelift – Easy, Scar-less, Magical Way To Younger Looking Skin!

How about a resolution to your sagging facial skin, which is scar-less, and effective too? Sounds unbelievable? Well, it's not! Endoscopic face-lift is the answer and it exists. Incredible, yet true to the core. It is a procedure that an effective and convenient alternative to traditional cosmetic surgery. This innovative approach is less [...]


Plastic Surgery In India – The Medical Boon!

There has been a lot of commotion and incisiveness amongst the common lot, when it comes to Plastic Surgery! Yes, we all have many dilemmas related with the core subject of reconstructive procedures and we do not feel confident about them. Well, to clear the air, we must state that [...]


Diet And Weight Loss Are Not A Pain Anymore!

Obesity and Overweight are increasingly common conditions not only in adults but also in kids. According to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, around 30% of the world population is dealing with obesity. Obesity is not a disease but it may cause many notorious health problems [...]


Six Pack Abs Without The Sweat!

Are you fed up doing 4- 6 sets of crunches and following the strict diet, sans any results? Despite following tight exercise and the dilatory regime, you are still having excess fat from around your midsection of the abdomen, this is a common worry! Getting six-packs or eight-pack abs is [...]


Chin Augmentation: The Ultimate Way To Attain Right Facial Harmony!

If you do not like looking at yourself in the mirror with a small or improper chin, a chin augmentation or chin correction cosmetic surgery is the perfect deal for you. Chin augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to help men and women achieve a more Proper chin in [...]


Dimple Creation: Your Desire For A Cute Face Gets Fulfilled!

Who amongst us does not like a good dimple on someone’s face? Dimples are simply too cute! Dimples can add charm and cuteness to a face, and can be extremely attractive to the opposite sex. All of us have that one celebrity who we like just for their smile. Unfortunately, [...]


Tummy Tuck: The Super Effective Method To Get A Smooth and Firm Abdomen!

Losing confidence due un-shapely tummy? Worry not! We are here to help you regain life! The loose, drooping skin around the abdominal area caused due to weight loss or pregnancy results in a lot of individuals suffering from inferiority complex or adverse self-image. This is where tummy tuck surgery comes [...]


Breast Augmentation: Redefine Your Feminine Beauty Without Any Doubts!

Breast Augmentation is one of the most desired plastic surgery by women. A woman becomes even more beautiful when her femininity is pronounced appropriately. A well endowed figure is every woman's desire, and it is not just a dream anymore. Every woman can have the assets she wants, with a [...]


Breast Augmentation Surgery: Before & After

Breast Augmentation Surgery is one of the most desired plastic surgery by women. Women seek a more beautiful, natural and youthful breasts that maintain the harmony with rest of the body as well. Breast augmentation surgery can be performed with the use of implants or fat transfer from your [...]